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What's your Customer's Saying? Four tips to build an effective Customer Service Strategy.

Updated: 6 days ago

“Know what your customers want most and what your company does best. Focus on where those two meet.” - Kevin Stirtz.

This week, I had to deal with 2 instances of really terrible customer service.

First episode: So there I was, calling my ISP for the third time this month, wondering why my internet decided to take a vacation without me. As a remote worker, WIFI is my business' BFF, you know?

The customer service rep hit me with the classic line, “We’re so sorry for the inconvenience... yada yada yada.”

When I dared to ask for a manager to shed some light on the situation, I swear I heard a dial tone... Yep, she pulled the ultimate hang-up move on me!!

Next episode: I was all set for my aerobic session, ready to sweat it out like a pro, when suddenly I get hit with the classic "personal issues" excuse from the provider. And get this, it was all thanks to a supposedly "automated" booking system"! I tried to reason with them for another slot, but nope, apparently there was only one golden time slot left in the universe, and I had to go through the hassle of checking the same app I booked on in the first place.

Oh, the joys of modern technology!

And yes, we've all felt that dog's energy from service providers.

Customer service is just a day in, day out ongoing, never ending, unremitting, persevering, compassionate, type of activity. - Leon Gorman.

Four tips to build an effective Customer Service Strategy:

1. Never leave them waiting:

Did you know that a whopping 41% of customers get super annoyed when they're put on hold? It's like a major pet peeve for them because it feels like their time isn't valued.

When they get fed up, they just hang up and won't come back or recommend your business to anyone.

So, to fix this, make sure your team picks up the phone by the 2nd ring!!

And remember to smile before you start speaking - people can feel your friendliness right away!


2. Know your customers:

Every Customer/Client adores the "personal touch" in their service interaction.

By remembering their names, past conversations, and interests, you demonstrate genuine interest and enthusiasm in serving them, going beyond mere transactions.

Often, it's the "little things" that matter - a birthday card, asking about their family, sharing updates on their favorite sports team - these gestures show your care and ensure their loyalty.

"Courteous treatment will make a customer a walking advertisement"- James Cash Penney.

3. Fix your mistakes:

Hey, no matter how much we give it our all... stuff is gonna hit the fan. And when it does, owning up to it keeps things clear in your business - not owning up to it can really mess with your rep... Just saying...

4. Go the extra mile:

Going "that extra mile" is a crucial aspect of customer service that can truly set a business apart from its competitors.

When you go above and beyond to ensure that your customer or client has the very best experience, you're not only meeting their needs but exceeding their expectations. This level of dedication and commitment not only results in an extremely happy customer in the moment but also has long-lasting effects.

Research indicates that happy customers are more likely to become loyal patrons who return to your business time and time again. Moreover, satisfied customers are also more inclined to share their positive experiences with others, leading to valuable word-of-mouth referrals.

In this way, a happy customer can become an evangelist for your brand, spreading the word and attracting new business.

So now that I've gotten all this off my chest (rant over-something like Fido here!) time for some juicy tips you can start applying:

1. Don't keep 'em hanging: answer that darn phone!

2. Get to know your peeps: they're the ones buttering your bread.

3. Own up to your oopsies: oopsies happen. fess up. sorry. make it right.

4. Take the scenic route: a fan is born when you serve up top-notch, consistent awesomeness.

"Consumers are statistics. Customers are people"-Stanley Marcus.

If you're ready to get your strategy on point, don't hesitate to contact me to schedule your session through my website, book our Free 15-Minute Session, or simply shoot me an email at


Unknown member
Jul 27, 2020

It sounds like a great idea...I'll do some content built around it...thanks for the feedback


Unknown member
Jul 14, 2020

May I recommend a series on creating the ideal customer experience. 😉

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