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What's your "Content Strategy?" And why it matters, if you want success in your biz.

Writer's picture: Rhonda GlynnRhonda Glynn

Updated: Jul 21, 2024

"Content builds relationships. Relationships build trust. Trust drives revenue."- Andrew Davis.
Branded Reception Area
Building your content strategy is very much like building a starts with a vision.

During my time at Uni, I had an economics lecturer who confidently proclaimed, "When concepts can be converted into cash...that's Brilliance!"

Do you concur?

Or nah?

Here's a lesser-known fact: 3-4 individuals are responsible for nearly 90% of a company's sales.

Still unsure?

Reflect on your dedicated, returning customers who have recommended your products/services. to their friends, family members or coworkers. you're getting it.

Unlocking Business Growth with a Strategic Content Approach

Here's the thing- it's easy to get caught up working IN your business.

But if you want to start working ON your business-and getting the real digits...then you'll need a content strategy, with content pillars...

ya feel me?

"People don't buy what you do; they buy WHY you do it. And WHAT you do simply proves what you believe"- Simon Sinek.

So let's get started on your content marketing content pillars.

📝What are Content Pillars?

In simple terms, your pillars represent a collection of theories or subjects that your brand will utilize to craft content.

Some common themes could include:

  • Self-care and Wellness;

  • Company Updates (including new product launches);

  • Customer/Client Testimonials;

  • Blog Promotion;

  • Relatable industry humor (Refer to video above).

It's important to note that certain content pillars may be more effective in specific industries than in others. That's because it's not an exact science, and adjustments may be necessary until the right balance is achieved.

For example, self-care and wellness may resonate better with beauty, fashion, and lifestyle brands, whereas more traditional brands may place greater emphasis on testimonials.

Nonetheless, each pillar should always be influenced by the type of content that your ideal or potential customers want to engage with.

📝Below are 5 basic content pillars that work across industries:

  • Promotional;

  • Educational;

  • Community;

  • Entertainment;

  • Engagement.

Branded drink coasters
Every opportunity should taken to include your brand in your clients' day-to-day.

The Power of Content Pillars for Small Business Owners

Why are content pillars useful for small business owners?

Here's 4 good reasons:

  • First reason: Embrace the power of having specific themes/buckets for organizing your content. This strategic approach ensures that each piece of content fits neatly into a predefined category, enabling you to craft purposeful content instead of aimlessly posting and hoping for the best (commonly referred to as "spray and pray").

  • Reason 2: By enhancing your social media strategy with a content calendar, you can efficiently define specific themes, enabling you to dedicate more time to thorough research and crafting highly engaging posts. This method eradicates the unpredictability of daily content creation, minimizing burnout risks and guaranteeing a consistent and impactful online presence.

  • Reason 3: If you ever find yourself unsure of what to post, it's likely due to a lack of a structured starting point. By implementing themes, you can concentrate on your audience's preferences and deliver exactly what THEY crave from YOU!

  • Reason 4: Maintaining consistency is key. Whether it's Reels, Static Posts, Stories, or Carousels, you have the power to "stay on message" and reinforce your brand identity by crafting content that truly connects with your audience.

"Traditional Marketing talks AT people; Content Marketing talks WITH them"-Unknown.

Mastering the Art of Crafting Content Pillars: A Step-by-Step Guide

So now we come to the meat of the matter, namely, HOW to come up with your content pillars...

Start here:👇🏾

Uncover your brand persona with confidence!

in other words:

  • Who is your audience?

  • What are their purchasing patterns?

  • Where do they socialize?

  • What are their concerns?

In order to achieve this, it's imperative to develop profiles (or multiple profiles) of your "Ideal" or "Targeted" Customer or Client. This strategic process empowers you to craft messages specifically designed to deeply resonate with them and them alone.

To help you get started, you'll need to focus on :

  • the platforms they're using;

  • the topics they're interested in;

  • their values;

  • what they find educational;

  • how your content will empower them to overcome their pain points;

It is important to consider more than just basic demographics when analyzing your target audience. Delve deeper into their psychosocial characteristics to gain a clearer understanding. By doing so, you'll be able to customize your content more effectively to connect with them, ultimately converting them into brand advocates.

Approach this as a focused niche strategy rather than a broad approach.

Vendor offering "Doubles"
Think of it as a "Gourmet Offering"- a signature product or service that's created for a select few.

👉🏾Stay ahead by keeping an eye on your competition's strategies.

Regularly, I'll ask a client,

"Who are your competitors within a 15-mile radius?"

Frequently, the typical response is met with silence... as expected, "Crickets".🦗🦗

I like to call this "The Gap".

A term highlighting the specific areas demonstrating excellence or room for improvement.

Want to know more?

Step 1: Confidently make a list of 5 competitors in your immediate space;

Step 2: Assertively go to their social media channels;

Step 3: Analyze what posts they've excelled with;

Step 4: Take note of the topics they're consistently posting on their feed;

Step 5: Identify what they're NOT doing - scrutinize the comments to uncover the questions their followers are asking and, above all, how those concerns are being addressed - or not.

Step 6: Seize the opportunity to FILL.THE.GAP.

"The strength of your social media is determined by the strength of your content"-Unknown.

And finally...

Enhance Your Brand's Impact: Conduct a Self-Audit

It's crucial to conduct an audit of your own efforts. If you believe you are too close to the situation, entrust someone you trust to handle it for you. Evaluate what YOU'RE excelling at, and if you have not yet identified your core values, this is an ideal starting point (more on that in another post!). If you notice any inconsistencies or if you're falling short, make the necessary adjustments and realign yourself!

So, here is a concise guide on identifying your content pillars and developing a coherent content strategy for your brand.

If there are any other aspects you would like me to cover in this area, please don't hesitate to reach out; I'm here to assist!

Also, take the initiative and schedule your personalized 1:1 session here - let's determine what best suits your brand.

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